Packard Financial - What We Do

It All Starts With The Plan...

Making sure you get the proper advice starts with taking an in-depth look at where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.  And because we know your objectives may change over time, we approach financial planning* as a dynamic, ongoing process that must accommodate changes in your personal circumstances, changes in the tax laws**, and changes in the marketplace.  We can help you design a plan that evolves with you and results in a well-coordinated series of recommendations that can be easily implemented.  Just like when you begin to build a home, we want to start with a solid foundation for your plan that will help you weather life's many challenges.


Wealth Preservation/Estate Planning

What you value may be more important than what you own.  To follow through on your commitments -- to yourself, your family, and your ideals -- you need to think ahead.  A personalized estate plan is important in helping to protect your family and your legacy.  A well-constructed strategy can help address your specific estate planning needs including:

  • Minimizing income and estate taxes**.
  • Transferring wealth from one generation to the next.
  • Developing charitable gifting strategies.
  • Aligning existing portfolios and retirement accounts with your estate plan.


Business Succession Strategies

Business ownership brings its own set of responsibilities.  Changing your current business structure or successfully transferring your business before you retire requires careful planning.
Since many clients are faced with intangibles such as personal emotions, family relationships, and business associations, the objectivity of an experienced adviser can facilitate the process.  A comprehensive business succession plan can help you address your specific needs such as:

  • Growing your business.
  • Protecting your assets.
  • Ensuring the continuation and succession of your business.
  • Minimizing taxes**.
  • Promoting, recruiting, retaining, and rewarding your key employees.
  • Maximizing your compensation benefits.
  • Providing for estate equalization.
  • Promoting family harmony.


Retirement Planning

The amount you will need in retirement depends on the age you plan to retire, your desired retirement lifestyle, how long you expect to live and the rate of return that you expect to earn on your investments.  Social Security and employer-sponsored pension plans will probably provide less of what you will need than they did for your parents.

Consideration should be given to one or more of the following strategies when trying to maximize your retirement income:

  • Clearly prioritizing retirement goals and objectives.
  • Tax-favored investment strategies**.
  • Pension maximization.
  • Retirement at a later age.
  • Saving more.
  • Spending less during retirement.
  • Investing to earn a potentially higher rate of return on investments while still feeling comfortable with the level of risk involved.
  • Liquidation of non-cash assets.
  • Social Security maximization.
  • Maximizing contributions to qualified retirement plans.
  • Investing in an IRA.


Education Funding

Education planning for your children can be a major financial consideration.  Planning early allows you to take advantage of the time value of money and help minimize the savings requirement.

Consideration should be given to one or more of the following strategies when trying to maximize your college planning:

  • Prioritizing your education objective with your insurance needs, retirement needs, major purchases and current income needs.
  • Developing an effective savings strategy that considers asset allocation and may take advantage of education plans.
  • Considering the various education funding accounts -- Qualified State Tuition Plans (also known as 529 Plans#), Uniform Transfer to Minor Accounts (UTMA) / Uniform Gifts to Minor Accounts (UGMA), Coverdell Educational savings accounts and prepaid tuition plans.
  • Ensuring college expenses are properly planned -- include tuition, room and board and living expenses.  Factoring in an inflation rate for the rising cost of tuition. Should you consider planning for post-graduate studies?  Do you expect your child/children to receive scholarships or financial aid?


Portfolio Management*

You can now receive the same portfolio management services as many institutional investors-whether it is a separately managed account or a mutual fund wrap portfolio.
Some benefits of managed portfolios include:

  • Providing access to top-tier investment management professionals.
  • Tailored portfolios to meet specific investment needs.
  • Ownership of individual securities.
  • Ease of pre-designed mutual fund portfolios.

Every investor is unique, and investment advisory services provide you with professional investment advice and a personalized investment strategy.  Whether you're seeking a tailored, professionally managed portfolio, or the convenience and simplicity of a diversified mutual fund wrap program, your investment choice should focus on meeting your financial goals.  During this process, you should consider current and future growth objectives, income needs, time horizon and risk tolerance.  These considerations form the blueprint for developing a portfolio management strategy.  The process involves, but is not limited to, the following important stages.

  • Setting investment objectives.
  • Developing an asset allocation strategy.
  • Evaluating/Selecting investment vehicles.
  • Portfolio review -- Ongoing portfolio monitoring.

Portfolio management process


Charitable Gifting

Gifting strategies may be used as a means of distributing your estate and effectively reducing estate taxes** upon death.  Most taxpayers can accomplish significant estate planning objectives simply by taking advantage of lifetime giving which includes making maximum use of the annual exclusion, lifetime use of the applicable exclusion amount and lifetime taxable gifts.
Considerations should be given to one or more of the following strategies when trying to minimize estate taxes and maximize the net distributions from your estate to family, friends and charities:

  • Grantor Retained Trusts - allows you to remove appreciating property from your estate thus reducing estate taxes.  Once the property is transferred to the trust, the grantor (donor) retains interest in the property for the term specified.  The grantor receives payments based on the value of the assets in the trust.  The property, including any appreciation in value, passes to the beneficiaries without further gift or estate tax consequences.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts - allows you to donate property and assets to a trust and reserve an income stream in the trust for a specified period.  The trust provides an income to you or any designated non-charitable beneficiaries with the remainder interest being transferred to a qualified charity at the end of the term.
  • Charitable Lead Trusts - allows you to designate charities to receive an income stream during term of the trust. At the end of the term, the ultimate beneficiaries are your heirs.


#Securities offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC). A Licensed Insurance Agency.

*Christopher Packard offers investment advisory services as a Financial Planner for Eagle Strategies LLC, A Registered Investment Adviser.

**Neither Packard Financial & Insurance Services, its employees nor Eagle Strategies LLC or its representatives render legal, tax or accounting advice. Please contact your own advisors for more information on your particular situation.


Risk Management

A sound financial plan must address the insurance coverages you, your spouse and family members may require.  Foundational planning is a key aspect of any financial plan that is often overlooked and undervalued.

  • Life insurance is used to pay for funeral expenses, repay outstanding debts, make charitable donations and provide living expenses for surviving family members.  It can also be used to cover estate taxes and probate fees to enable your estate to be liquidated in the most appropriate manner.
  • Disability income insurance is to help partially replace income of persons who are unable to work because of sickness or accident.  In terms of its financial effect on the family, long-term disability can be just as severe as death.  Disability income protection can come from several sources: social insurance programs, employer-provided benefits, and individually purchased policies.
  • Long Term Care insurance is designed to help protect your assets and preserve your freedom of choice.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Emergency savings.
  • Estate planning.



Employee Benefits & Education

Attracting and retaining quality employees is often a challenge for even the seasoned business.  We can help develop a plan that will reward your employees and encourage loyalty and tenure.

  • 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing and deferred compensation plans.
  • Executive compensation planning.
  • Group health, dental, life and long term disability insurance.
  • Life and wealth management* seminars.

  Contact us for additional information or to schedule a meeting.  Thank you for your interest.